Its Time YOU Let Us Help Build YOUR Six Figure Income With The Online Consistent Money System!

 **Special OCM Announcement: The "Never Miss a Commission Update**

You will receive a commissions on EVERY sale you make (or we make for you) for the level you are registered.

For example - If you are a Gold (1K Level) and you sign up a Diamond (5K Level) the whole sale DOES NOT pass you up! You will receive the Gold Commission of $800 and the remaining amount will go to the next qualified Diamond.

This Way - No Matter Your Level, You Will Earn a Commission on Every Sale You Make - 100% of the Time! 

We Are Going To Give You EVERYTHING
You Need To Succeed!

Which of course includes, as mentioned in the video, a professional phone team to answer all your questions, make all of your sales, resulting in them making you $1000's of dollars every month! 

Got a question? Want to meet the phone team that is going to make you money? Or just want to do your "due diligence"? 

Then Call the OCM Team &
Mention You were Invited to The
Online Consistent Money System By:

Glenn Johnson

"This is By Far the Easiest and Fastest Way
To Make a 6-Figure Income Online!"

Don't take our word for it! Listen to what Carol, an experienced affiliate marketer
who has helped change the lives of so many through affiliate
marketing, has to say about the OCM!...

Your Bonuses and What We Are Going To Do To Help You Make a Six Figure Income! 

Please Read through this page, watch the videos, and then you can connect with us for any reason - questions, or want to just say hi, for any reason whatsoever if you wish. Our Number is at the  bottom of this page! 

On This page you are going to discover exactly why and how you can start seeing a Six Figure Income very quickly!

We go above and beyond to help you and to ensure, not only your immediate success, but your long term success as well.

How do we do this? By giving you MASSIVE BONUSES that will kick your income into HIGH GEAR!

Well, below are the Bonuses we give you:

Bonus 1 - You do not need to speak to ANYONE! WE do all of the "selling and telling" for you. 

Bonus 2 - We make the sales for you and you keep 100% of the Commission just as if you would if you sold them yourself! 

Direct Sales commissions are $800.00 - $2,400 and $4,000.00 commissions for levels 1, 2 and 3 respectfully. 

Bonus 3 - Have Questions before joining? No Problem, you can schedule a call, text, or call us anytime! The number to do this is below! Either Bob Howsden or one of the team members will answer any questions you may have. 

Bonus 4 - (This is HUGE) When you get started with The Online Consistent Money System will Personally Buy You, YES YOU, Traffic and Advertising - up to 20% Overage in Advertising to get your making commissions quickly!! (details below)

Bonus 5 - This is critical and one of the main reasons you can achieve massive success with this program! This day and age everyone wants PROOF that something works, which makes complete sense. The only problem is whenever you first join, you don't have any personal social proof of success. 

So - That is why OCM is going to set you up with a custom sales funnel with all the social proof you will need. Also, we will set you up with our own custom email follow up campaigns that are time tested and proven to work. 

Are you an experienced internet marketer that makes your own videos, etc? 

Then get a load of this.. above I said you get your own SALES FUNNEL (not replicated site with some dynamically changing variables like the name) - It can be 100% customizable to YOU. We can upload your own videos, pictures etc. this way you can promote and retain your brand and position! 

We are not sure this has even been done before - but we sure are excited about it! 

Here at the OCM Marketing System we take personal pride in helping you, and people like you to start making life changing money...QUICKLY! 

Time to see how we are going to build a Six Figure Income with the OCM Marketing System!

So....Does OCM System REALLY Work?

Testimonial from Dan F. in Florida Made 
$12,800.00 in Just 4 Days!!!

"We do 100% of the Work...YOU Keep The Commission!"
This is BY FAR the biggest reason our members are having unprecedented success! Lets face it, 99.9% of people ARE NOT professional sales people. 

In fact, most people are even nervous just answering basic questions of a complete stranger looking at their business. 

That is why we do it all for ya...We do ALL of the customer support AND...

Yup, you guessed it - we do ALL of the selling for you too! 

Why would we do that? Simple - by helping YOU make money, we make MORE MONEY!

Remember in the OCM Presentation we did, which if you did not watch the whole thing make sure you go back and watch it, he explained there is a 100% payout on the commissionable amounts of $800 - $2,400 - and $4,000 - which means whenever we make a sale FOR YOU - that money is sent right to your mailbox!

But there is also an admin fee associated with each level as well. That covers the cost of maintaining the system, phone team, customer support etc. 

So you might be thinking...

"What is it going to cost me to have you and your sales team make all the sales for me?"

Michael C. in Alabama - 
$4,200.00 in 3 weeks!

Typically the cost of having a sales team handle 100% of the sales for you is pretty expensive.

BUT...We are going to let you have it at a bargain price!

We will close your sales FOR YOU...
100% For FREE!

Why would we do that for you? Well, because like I already mentioned the cost of the phone professionals will NEVER come out of YOUR commissions - The system covers the cost of these wonderful professions for you!

*SPECIAL Traffic BONUS* OCM Will Buy You Overage Traffic/Advertising When You Join The Online Consistent Money System!

The ONLY thing between you and the amount of money you want to make is HOW MANY
PEOPLE you get to your website that the AUTOMATED SYSTEM and our SALES Team and Custom Sales Funnel can present and sell YOUR business too!

That is a fact that ALL internet marketers know. When you have a company and system as awesome as the one we have here, the ONLY thing you need to do is get PEOPLE who are interested to LOOK AT IT!

This is known as Traffic. Imagine how many sales you can get when you send hundreds or even thousands of people to your website!

So - how does this work?

Well my team and I will do up to a 20% traffic overage depending on the level you join at!
So if you join at:

Level 1 ($1,000.00) we will add 10% to any traffic purchases you make in the first 14 Days!

Level 2 ($3,000.00) we will add 15% to any traffic purchases you make in the first 14 Days!

Level 3 ($5,000.00) we will add 20% to any traffic purchases you make in the first 14 Days!

Imagine, having hundreds, even thousands of leads coming in, going through this simple and amazing
custom Funnel, AND You Having Professional High Ticket Phone Sales Team working with those leads
and Close The Sale for you and help them get all set up to do the same!

Can You See NOW why so many people are seeing results and making $1000's of Dollar Right out of the gate and Making over 10K-30K A Month Consistently!

Trust me $4,000.00 Commissions ADD UP QUICK!


And Don't Forget - Each Single Lead that Comes From This Traffic Could Make You a Commission of...

$800.00 $2,400.00 or  $4,000.00 


Ya...But Do People Really Sign Up??

Check This Out - OCM Member Kevin C. 
Just had an Amazing Week...AND we did all the work for him! 

Ready To Get Started Making Life Changing Money
With The OCM Marketing System?

So, as you can see with our bonuses you have the very best chance you will ever have to start making SERIOUS Money Online. 

Trust me, this is life changing income. You see, like I said in the video I dabbled in online marketing selling things that gave me anywhere from a $20 commission up to around a $100 commission. 

And I was doing OK(ish) - I mean, some months I would make 2k-3k - and other months
I would only make a few hundred bucks. 

That is why when I came across High Ticket Affiliate Marketing for the first time it made so much sense. Why not promote something that pays BIG!?

So we (my wife and I) took the plunge and joined...and our lives have never been the same sense. I was low on funds before I joined our first one so we actually went the "zero out of pocket" method (link below on how you can do that too) and got financing through a personal loan. We had that loan paid off in less than 2 weeks and the rest is history. 

And Now we have the OCM System that solves every problem of why people typical do not succeed. We have everything you need right here! Its SIMPLE and Easy for people to understand why they can be successful with this and the Phone Professionals are the best in the Industry! 

This opportunity has totally changed our lives - and now we are happy to be in a position to help others, specifically you, by giving you these amazing bonuses. 

So now, as they say, the ball is in your court. 

Below are the links where if you have any questions or just want to say hello to me personally and the phone professionals - 

And Remember.... 

Don't be Shy! Meet the people who are going to be making you HUGE Commissions! :) 

Also, below is the link with the instructions on how to Join and Pay for the OCM Marketing Membership of your choice. 

And Finally - If you are tight on funds (like I was when I joined) but you have good credit and live within the United States and want to see if you qualify for a personal loan to get started - there is a link for that as well below. The links we have there are just some good ones we found - if you have better options or places for you to get a loan feel free to do what is best for you and your situation.

We are Looking forward to seeing your success with this very soon! 

My family and I walking along the beach in Destin, FL

Personal Note from Bob Howsden and the Admin Team, 

From our families to you, and yours, I wanted to let you know here at OCM and our growing group of members look forward to helping you make the kind of money you deserve! 

Life is way more enjoyable without any kind of financial stress...and that is where you can be in just a matter of weeks! 


Bob H. & The Entire OCM Admin and Membership Team

Ready To Get Started? Speak with Someone? Or Apply for 'Zero Out of Pocket' Financing? 

If you are low on funds, Live in the United States, and Have decent to good 
Credit and would like to see if you qualify for a personal Loan to 
Get started Zero Out Of Pocket - Click The Link Below

How Fast Can You Start Making Life Changing Money?

Just ask OCM Member Christina H. 
She EXPLODED into our "10K earned club" and hasn't slowed down! 

Ready To Get Started? Lets Do It and Do It Together! 

 Or Call the OCM Team &
Mention You were Invited to The
Online Consistent Money System By:

Glenn Johnson

If you are low on funds, Live in the United States, and Have decent to good 
Credit and would like to see if you qualify for a personal Loan to 
Get started Zero Out Of Pocket - Click The Link Below

Income Disclaimer: OCM Marketing INC is not a "Get Rich Quick" program. At OCM Marketing, we believe in hard work and just like with any other business, the more effort & Investment you put into your business, the more money it can make for you. As stipulated by law, we cannot and will not make any guarantees about this system's ability to get results and/or make you money with any of our products or services.